Saturday, January 12, 2008

Welcome to Malaysian Babes

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Whenever I try to explain the Society to folks who have never experienced it, I always seem to end up dragging out my photo album. Why? Well, because, as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

So much of what we do in the Society is visual and experiential that it is nearly impossible sometimes to explain it with mere words, and have it end up sounding nearly as interesting, fun, and, well, cool as it acutally is.

I've dug through my photo album and have tried to find the photographs that, to me, best express what we are trying to do in the Society. These are not always my favorite photos, or even my best ones, but they are the ones that paint a portrait of who we are and what we are trying to do. Do they show our best face? You bet. But they also show the Society that I always see in my mind's eye....not the one where it rains at camping events and I'm wearing sneakers and glasses and you are drinking a soda, but rather the one where we are Lords and Ladies serving Kings and Queens, and the age of Chivalry is in full bloom. This part of the Society exists - here are the pictures to prove it - and it is my hope that it is the Society that each of us strives towards at every event we go to.

Please browse these pages as often as you like, and feel free to direct new folks here if you think they might want to take a peek at what we do before they try it. Often I know the people in the picture. Sometimes I do not. If you find a photograph of yourself here that you wish removed, please drop me a note and I will be happy to do so.


1 comment:

Ash said...

Nice blog,
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